Wednesday, April 23, 2014

FITT Guidelines for Metabolic Syndrome / Special Considerations

The presence of multiple CVD risk factors needs to be taken into consideration when designing workouts for metabolic syndrome patients. These risk factors may affect the patient's ability to perform at a certain level during exercise or even the mode of exercise that should be performed. It is very important to meet with a licensed professional in order to get a baseline of where to start an individual with metabolic syndrome.

F- Frequency: Some sort of exercise everyday is recommended for anyone trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle. For someone with metabolic syndrome who has not been exercising consistently should work up to that, starting at 3-4 days a week.

I- Intensity: The intensity of the workout should be done in the 40- 60% range (moderate intensity) based on their VO2 max or HR. Once an individual has been exercising for a consistent time frame the intensity can be slowly increased up to above 60%.

T- Time: It is recommended by ACSM that 150 min of exercise per week is the minimum that should be performed to promote health and wellness. An individual with metabolic syndrome who is looking to decrease CVD risk factors should exercise for 300 min/wk, or around 50 to 60 min 5 days out of the week.

T- Type/Mode: Both a balance of aerobic training and resistance training should be incorporated into any individual's exercise program. It is essential for an individual with metabolic syndrome to focus on aerobic aspects of the workout in order to promote the reduction of CVD risk factors.

1 comment:

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